Sapphic Book Recommendations!
Hello and happy #SapphicSeptember! Just in case you weren’t sure what sapphic means, it refers to relationships between women. My friend Landice (@manic_femme on Twitter and @manicfemme on Instagram) is hosting a readathon this month focused on sapphic books. You can see her Twitter post about it here. She has a bunch of different prompts that look really fun!
So I was already thinking about sapphic books, and I had been brainstorming different things to try on Instagram – so I decided to make a book list. Instagram is obviously limited in how much information I can convey, so I’m gonna expand on my recommendations in this post! I hope you find some books that you’re interested in. There are quite a lot of books on this list (38 to be exact) so I’ll try to just post a few sentences about each one, so the post isn’t too long. I’ll also indicate the targeted age range (adult or young adult aka YA).
If you’re on Instagram, feel free to go check out my post! And if you feel so inclined, I would love if you’d share it (or share this blog post).
Books I’ve Read
First I wanted to start with books that I’ve read, since I can heartily recommend these. Most of these are fantasy and science fiction, since those are my main two genres.
In the Ravenous Dark [YA] is one of my most recent reads! It features a protagonist with blood magic who ends up trying to figure out why the world is dying. It’s kinda dark, there’s a poly relationship, a nonbinary character, and also my favorite, found family. I loved it.
I’ve already reviewed When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain [adult] on here, but I can’t resist another opportunity to recommend it. Here’s my review! But briefly – this book is basically like an original fairytale/myth and it is beauuuutiful. Nghi Vo has one of my favorite writing styles. There is magic, fierce talking tigers, and a girl with a giant mammoth and a lance.
And for another title with “tiger” in it, we have Fireheart Tiger [adult]. I reviewed it here! Aliette de Bodard also has a lovely writing style, and I think her work is very under-appreciated. This novella features, in her own words, “sword lesbian, diplomat lesbian, sunshine girl, fire girl (who is also sunshine girl), colonialism, sapphic shenanigans, symbolically unsubtle chess, garden flirting & more, drawn sword, tea on fire, scary tiger.”
The love I have for Burning Roses [adult] is indescribable. I’ve mentioned it a few times on the blog, since it is just that good. Some things to be excited about? Well for one, it’s a retelling of many different fairytales and Chinese legends/myths. The characters are moms, and are older women – which we don’t see enough of. I reeeeally want S.L. Huang to write another novella like this.
Speaking of retellings, This Poison Heart [YA] isn’t really a direct retelling but takes inspiration from Greek mythology and The Secret Garden! The main character Briseis has plant magic – specifically with poisonous plants. How rad is that?? She is sapphic, and she also has two moms! Anyway you all need to read this and suffer with me in the wait for the sequel.
I read Girls of Paper and Fire [YA] a few years ago – okay somehow it was 3 years ago?? Wild. Anyway, I really liked the interplay between the human and demons, and all of the different types of relationships we got to see in this book. It definitely deals with some heavy topics, so check out the content warnings, but I think it’s great!
What a shock, Seanan McGuire makes an appearance on here!! Down Among the Sticks and Bones [YA] is the second book in the Wayward children series. But if you like, you can read it without reading the first. This is a twist on Jack and Jill, about twins girls who travel to a dangerous and dark world and must do what they can to survive. It’s creepy and amazing and I just love these books.
Summer of Salt [YA] is one of the two books that made me want to read every one of Katrina Leno’s books. I wrote all about this one and Everything All at Once in the post here. It follows a girl from a family of witches, trying to figure out what is going on with her sister (among other things). It’s mysterious and magical and a little sad.
Next up we have The Midnight Lie [YA], which blew me away with how beautifully written it is. I love how the story unfolded and slowly revealed the pieces to the reader. To be honest I don’t want to say too much, because I think it’s great going into this one without knowing a lot.
And to round out the fantasy section we have Girl, Serpent, Thorn [YA]. Why haven’t many people read this book???? It’s basically an original fairytale with Persian influences and also somewhat influenced by Sleeping Beauty. There are demons and magic and monstrous girls and just. READ IT.
Science Fiction
I can’t talk about sapphics without talking about Gideon the Ninth [adult], because hello? Lesbian necromancers in space? Literally the best. I am so in love with this series, and I am actually DYING for the next book to come out. What can you find in this book? Disaster sapphics, a sword lesbian, murder mystery, and lots of memes. Also bone magic. It’s hella cool.
I will never stop talking about A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe [adult]. NEVER!!! I’ve written about it here many many times. AND I’M DOING IT AGAIN. So why? Why do I love this? I mean, queers in space. Magic in space!!! Also it has my favorite trope which you know is found family. It’s honestly such a ride, and I want everyone. EVERYONE. To read it. And guess what? I even have a review for it here.
If you want to read one of the most beautiful books ever, then pick up This is How You Lose the Time War [adult]. This novella follows to agents on opposite sides of the titular time war. They begin writing letters to each other and fall in love!! However, I will say if you prefer a clear cut plot, this may not be for you.
Seven Devils [adult] is a new favorite book for me. It follows a group of women who are all members of the resistance trying to overthrow a very controlling empire. There’s some really fascinating gadgets and tech and spaceships! And also some really evil characters. I need more people to talk about it with, so please go read it!
Maybe you just want a good standalone. Well, then Empress of Forever [adult] is for you!! Vivian, the main character, accidentally catapults herself through space and time into the future. While there, she must band together with a ragtag group to defeat an all powerful empress, so that she can return home. This book is wild and amazing, and the cast of characters is so much fun to read about.
Other genres
So I had a few other recommendations that don’t fit right into fantasy or science fiction.
Honey Girl [adult] is a wonderful contemporary novel that I love love love. It’s a lot about figuring out your direction in life, dealing with burnout, and a lot of other things. If you want to read my review, you can find it here. This book made me cry, which not a lot of books do.
Upright Women Wanted [adult] is kind of a dystopian Western novella, all about queer librarian spies. I mean come on, how amazing does that sound? Also you all know that I love TorDotComPub, and this is one of their books. So go get it!
And finally, we have In the Shadow of Spindrift House [adult], my first read by Mira Grant! Who is actually Seanan McGuire. I don’t read much horror (ok I don’t read any) but I’ll do it for Seanan. This is a fantasy horror novella, and it was soooo good. It wasn’t that scary, more tense and creepy. I’ll definitely be trying out at least more of her horror work haha.
Books I Want to Read
Next, we have some books that have been released that I haven’t read yet, but am looking forward to reading. Many (okay, most) of them come highly recommended from my friends!
Foundryside [adult fantasy] is a heist novel and I love heist novels, so why haven’t I read this?? Honestly I don’t know. I’ve heard so many good things. And yet!! Still on my TBR. Thieves, magical artifacts, and more await me – and you – within this book.
I won a giveaway on Instagram for both The Outside [adult sci-fi] and the sequel. I’m sure excited because there are AI gods involved in this story and that sounds FASCINATING. But also, there’s a rebel scientist, so who does our main character trust here?? I need to find out.
The First Sister [adult sci-fi] is a book I am dying to read. It follows a comfort woman trying to reclaim her agency, a soldier questioning his allegiance, and more. Oh and did I mention it’s in space?
A Master of Djinn [adult fantasy] is set in an alternate version of Cairo!! How neat is that. It also stars a woman who works for the “Ministry of Alchemy, Enchantments and Supernatural Entities” which sounds badass.
Blackheart Knights [adult fantasy] is a book I think I discovered because Samantha Shannon posted a photo of it on Instagram. And thank god she did!! It’s an Arthurian retelling, and I mean do I even need to say it at this point? If it’s a retelling, I’m there. Plus there are knights on motorbikes, illegal magic, and revenge.
My friend Sakina posted an amazing review of The Wild Ones [YA fantasy] that made me absolutely want to read it. Please go read her review. Briefly, this books is about “girls who have been hurt, abandoned, and betrayed all their lives.” They use magic to travel the world, and help others.
The Space Between Worlds [adult sci-fi] follows a woman, Cara, who can travel between worlds. The catch is that she can only travel to worlds where her alternate self is dead. Luckily, most of her dopplegangers have died, making her a perfect agent for traveling. But soon, she uncovers secrets that could change everything.
A space opera murder mystery? Count me in! A Memory Called Empire [adult sci-fi] follows a political ambassador trying to solve the murder of the previous ambassador from her home. She is also hiding a deadly secret!!
Rin Chupeco is an author that I’ve been meaning to read for a while. Their book The Never Tilting World [YA fantasy] is set on a world that is split in two, one in darkness and one in perpetual sun. Each is ruled by a goddess, and the two are sisters. Their daughters must go on a journey to heal their broken world.
The Scapegracers [YA fantasy] comes highly recommended from my friend Laura (@crofteereader). You can see what she said about it here. In it, an outcast lesbian witch ends up forming a coven with the three popular girls at her school.
Most of the ones I’ve mentioned are fairly recent, but Ascension [adult sci-fi] was published in 2013! I know, doesn’t seem like it was that long ago lol. The main character Alana is a SKY SURGEON!!! Which means she repairs starships. Please can I have her job?? She stows away on a ship searching for her sister, and adventures ensue.
Compass Rose [adult sci-fi] has SAPPHIC SPACE PIRATES!!!! Obviously I need it immediately. And it sounds like there’s a ragtag crew, which has me immediately thinking of found family.
Gearbreakers [YA sci-fi] features two girls who team up to destroy an empire that uses giant mechs called Windups, reminiscent of Pacific Rim. A handful of my friends have been raving about how underrated this one is, so I’m stoked.
A Clash of Steel [YA fantasy] released this week, and is a sapphic retelling of Treasure Island. It also is set in the golden age of piracy, on the South China Sea. I mean come on, what more do you want? Oh, and did I mention there is also magic?
We started with a heist novel, so we’re now going to end with another heist novel! Among Thieves [adult fantasy] also released this week, and is about a band of misfits (YES HELLO), completing a mission for freedom, and of course, betrayals. I’m so excited to read it!
Upcoming Releases

Finally, we need to have things to look forward to right? Well, don’t worry! Here are just a handful of books publishing soon (well, some soon-ish) that sound incredible.
Light From Uncommon Stars is an adult sci-fi releasing on September 28th. Our main character has made a deal with the devil to entice other violinists to sell their souls for success. Enter a runaway, a starship captain, doughnuts, and more. Sounds like the perfect recipe for a great book to me.
Payback’s a Witch is an adult fantasy romance that comes out October 5th. The main character Emmy is a witch who has recently returned to her hometown. She proceeds to join her best friend and a new friend in getting revenge on a man who was two-timing the both of them without telling them. So uhh magic and revenge? Yes. Heck yes.
City of Shattered Light is a young adult sci-fi book which is coming out on October 19th. We got a gun-slinging smuggler! And an heiress to a powerful tech empire! Also a rogue AI and nasty computer viruses and more. I waaaaant it now!
The Midnight Girls is a standalone young adult fantasy arriving on December 7th. Two girls are competing to obtain the heart of a prince – and I think his literal heart, not his metaphorical heart. The two enchantresses are a little bit wicked, very ambitious, and also maybe falling for each other?? I’m excited!
Dauntless doesn’t release until July 19th 2022, but omg. It’s a young adult fantasy novel set in a Filipino-inspired world. Mysterious forest beasts, warriors, and a strange new girl who can somehow communicated with the beasts?? GIVE IT TO ME NOW.
Which ones of these are you most excited about? Hopefully you found something that sparks your interest!
Ahhh, so many great books here! I loved GOPAF and The Midnight Lie, and I really want to read This Poison Heart. And so many of the books on your TBR are books I’ve had on my radar but had no idea were sapphic, like Foundryside and A Master of Djinn. Great post. 🙂
ahhh I think you’ll love This Poison Heart!! So dang good. I know!! Those two (among others) I had already had on my TBR before finding out from friends that they’re sapphic. What a nice surprise haha
I really want to read Nghi Vo’s series. I’ve heard so many good things about it. I loved Down Among the Sticks and Bones and This Is How You Lose the Time War. I have several sapphic reads I want to get to by the end of the year including Gearbreakers. Great post!
ahhh I hope you can too, her writing is just brilliant. and thank you so much!!