Animal Crossing New Horizons Book Tag!

Hello friends! Well clearly I have dropped off the map the last month or so – which I fully blame on the game Animal Crossing New Horizons. Actually, Shari is the one who got me in to playing this game. We’ve been playing quite a bit together and it’s so much fun. I love that books brought us together, but our friendship has really evolved from that. ANYway, I found this book tag based on the game, which was created by Two Book Thieves. I figured it would be a perfect way to get back to blogging!

And GUESS WHAT?????? Shari is gonna join me on this tag too!!! She’s been very busy kicking ass at art school, but has a little bit more time now to hop in on this post. SO YAY!

Past Villager – Who is a character you found when you were younger that still has a place in your heart?

M: Oh, 100% all of Tamora Pierce’s characters. Those books mean so much to me, and always will. Alanna will probably always be my number one gal though, since I read her series first.

S: I didn’t read much when I was younger so a lot of what I read (when I did) was Harry Potter. Hermione was someone I could relate to quite a bit and she’ll always be dear to me. <3

Blather’s Blatherings – Recommend a historical fiction book that you think everybody should read

M: Okay this was a hard one because I just…don’t really read historical fiction?? But I think Beloved by Toni Morrison is a really important read.

S: Hands down A Gentleman in Moscow (see my review here) and All the Light We Cannot See (my review here)! I think there are others I loved but they’re more alternate history, but these two books are so good please read them if you haven’t!

Celeste’s Wish – What is a future book release you wish you could read now?

M: Where do I even START??? The Worst of all Possible Worlds, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, A Killing Frost, Harrow the Ninth, Over the Woodward Wall, The Left-Handed Booksellers of London, to just name a few haha.

S: *insert Animal Crossing Shy Reaction lol* gosh I’ve been sooo out of the loop with the book community that I don’t even know what’s coming out haha. Definitely looking forward to The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue though! My little Schwablin heart knows about that at least.

Timmy & Tommy – What is your favourite sibling relationship in a book?

M: Oh hands down, the relationship between Roger and Dodger from Seanan McGuire’s Middlegame. I mean, come on you knew I had to mention Seanan at least once. It’s practically a requirement for me now. Anyway, it’s probably the most interesting sibling relationship I’ve read for many reasons. The most basic reason being that they are twins, but they don’t know it! The way they “meet” each other is via telepathy – they are kinda like each other’s invisible friend as they grow up.

S: You know… if I ever managed to finish Middlegame, I would also probably go with that hahaha. Hmm… favourite sibling relationship? I’m gonna have to go with the Maresh brothers from V.E. Schwab’s Shades of Magic series. I feel like I’m forgetting others though… hopefully it comes back to me oops.

The Easter Bunny – A popular book character that you’re not a big fan of

M: To be honest, The Darkling from The Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. So many people LOVE him and I do not get it!!! If I’m being REAL honest, he’s not even that great of a villain!!! There, I said it. OOP.

S: Harry James freaking Potter lol. I just couldn’t stand Harry half the time… #sorrynotsorry.

Nook’s Loans – An author you’d give all your money to

M: Well, we all know that Tamora Pierce and Seanan McGuire both own my ass. But in addition to them, I’d probably add Garth Nix and Pierce Brown. I can never resist buying every single book they write, and additionally all of the special editions lol.

S: I mean… if you know anything about me at all you’d know Robin Hobb is my queen. Juliet Marillier and V.E. Schwab would also be on that list though!

The Sisters Able – What is your favourite fictional family (found or otherwise)?

M: Found family is one of the BEST TROPES EVER!!!! So obviously I’m going found family here. Most recently, the family from The House in the Cerulean Sea, which I reviewed here. This book is the most pure and happy thing you could ever read!!!! Trust me, you all need it in your life.

S: I would agree with Mackenzie, found family is seriously the best trope and I’ll never get enough of it. My favourite found families are definitely ones from Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings series and the precious one in Howl’s Moving Castle. :’)

(PS: if you’re a fan of Howl’s Moving Castle, you’d probably be a fan of The House in the Cerulean Sea. And vice versa!)

It’s a C+  – What is a book trope you don’t like that keeps popping up? 

M: Mmmmm I gotta say love triangles. I just hate that competing and indecisive vibe. Maybe just because that stuff hurts a lot in real life haha. And insta-love. Insta-attraction, fine! Normal! But idk man, can you really be in love with someone after a week?

S: INSTA-LOVE don’t even get me started askdfjdkf I can’t stand it haha. Give me good slow burn romance ANY DAY, just none of that insta-love stuff please and thank you.

The Wandering Camel – What is your favourite book set in a land far away from yours?

M: Since I read so much fantasy and sci-fi….all of them?? Just kidding that’s cheating. (But really, all of them). To pick one, well ok FINE I’m not even picking one, I’m picking a series. But I’m going with the Wayward Children series by…. guess. I’ll give you two guesses LOL. Yeah it’s Seanan McGuire. In this series the main characters travel to different worlds via doors and they all sound incredible! A land where everything is made of sugar and candy? Underwater worlds with mermaids? The goblin market? Yes, yes, and yes.

S: Definitely has to be Robin Hobb’s Fool’s Fate because well… I can’t say much without spoiling it but I love that book so much and the locations in it.

What Would Dodos Do?  – A fictional land you wish you could fly away to at any moment?

M: I’m gonna break the pattern here and go with a graphic novel! One that’s based on my favorite podcast, The Adventure Zone. This is a Dungeons and Dragons podcast, so the world is magical and fantastic and incredibly imaginative. The third volume of the graphic novel comes out on the 14th!!! And this volume involves a crazy battle wagon race – I mean that alone sounds amazing right??

S: Gonna sound like a broken record here but if I don’t say places from Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings who even am I? Come on, we have the Mountain Kingdom, the Six Duchies, Bingtown, Jamallia City, Kelsingra… the list goes on!

S: This was such a fun tag, Mackenzie! I’m glad our current AC obsession helped us get back into blogging for a bit haha. I definitely feel rusty af but it’s nice to be back and remember what it felt like. <3

I’m READING AGAIN, by the way! Been in the longest slump since last summer, so it feels great to read and actually enjoy it. Not sure if I’ll be able to write reviews again but… baby steps!

M: YAY so glad you’re reading again!! Now if I could just get back to my books too….hahaha.

Have any of you read any of these books or authors? Or are any of you playing Animal Crossing? Haha.
