This month’s challenge celebrates Children’s Literature and Romance.
I was looking into literary holidays and February seems to be the perfect month to read some kid lit. I’m a huge fan of this genre myself and I’m stoked for this month’s challenge.
Have any middle grade books? Been wanting to read Harry Potter? Now’s the time!
Feb 1: Harry Potter Book Night
Feb 1-7: Children’s Authors and Illustrator Week
February is known as the month of love and it felt wrong not to pick Romance. I have to admit, this is the most challenging genre for me because I’m so picky about my Romance. If it’s too much I cringe, if it’s unconvincing I roll my eyes. Sooo yeah. Wish me luck!
If you need some inspiration for your picks, here are helpful lists from Goodreads:
Best Children’s Books
Popular Romance Books
I’m probably going to read Beauty by Robin McKinley and continue my Anne of Green Gables journey with Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery.
Which book(s) be reading for this challenge?
Happy New Year, friends!
Did you get any books for Christmas? Have you written down your reading goals? Have you finished your first book of 2018?! (if yes, wowza!) Wherever you are in our bookish universe I hope you’re as excited as I am to explore more genres. 🙌🏼
We are kicking off 2018 with two genres we’ve never had on the Colour Me Read Challenge and they are… (drum roll)
Experimental Fiction
You’ve probably read a book from this genre without even knowing it. Experimental fiction is known for breaking the boundaries of traditional fiction or mainstream genres in form, technique, content or theme.
Some that come to mind are House of Leaves, The Illuminae Files, Flowers of Algernon, The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O., Night Film, and The Lover’s Dictionary. Here’s a handy list of books from Goodreads!
Books from this genre are known for exposing and criticizing the foolishness and corruption of an individual/society by using humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule which intends to improve humanity by criticizing its follies and foibles.
Many well-known books fall into this category and they include Animal Farm, Catch-22, Slaughterhouse-Five, 1984, The Screwtape Letters, Fight Club, and Fahrenheit 451. As always here is a list from Goodreads.
I’m not sure if I already own unread books under experimental fiction, but I do own 1984 so I will start with that for my satire pick of the month.
Which book(s) will you be reading?