Exit West
“In a city swollen by refugees but still mostly at peace, or at least not yet openly at war, a young man met a young woman in a classroom and did not speak with her.”
Exit West is a story about two people who find love in a time of war and hardship. It’s romance for the unromantic because it’s not your typical Hollywood relationship. When Nadia and Saeed make the difficult decision to leave their country for a safer one, their experiences shape who they are and what they want for their futures.
There’s a gentle yet bittersweet way in Mohsin’s storytelling that is really quite beautiful. Exit West explores the refugee experience: the hope and the struggle, and the natives’ reception of immigrants to their country. This is a story about the need for human connection, the quest for freedom, and how migration affects love and identity.
It’s a book that pulls you in and helps you see the world a little better, all while reading about the lives of two characters who stepped through doors hoping to find better and safer places.
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