Looking Back at March 2021
March was kind of a hard month for me. A lot of things going on in the world, one year pandemic anniversary, stressful stuff about my thesis, etc. You get the idea. So obviously, I didn’t have very many blog posts haha. I wanted to let you know what I was up to this month though, so here’s a wrap up/look back for my March! I’m toying with the idea of including more than just book-focused posts in the future. So I’m going to be talking about other media in this post as well – I hope you enjoy it all!
What Did I Read?
Here’s a list of the books I read this month!

- The Stolen Kingdom by Jillian Boehme (review here)
- The Honey-Don’t List by Christina Lauren
- Act Your Age, Even Brown by Talia Hibbert
- Fable by Adrienne Young
- Much Ado About You by Samantha Young
- Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews
- Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews
- Magic Binds by Ilona Andrews
- Iron and Magic by Ilona Andrews
- Magic Triumphs by Ilona Andrews
- Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers (review here)
The titles beginning with “magic” are all part of the Kate Daniels urban fantasy series. I finished off the series this month, and I’m sad it’s over!! It’s a great series, and I highly recommend it. Other favorites this month include Act Your Age, Eve Brown and Honey Girl. Both were AMAZING. If you like romance or contemporary books, you absolutely must read both of them. Eve Brown is the third in a series of romances about a set of sisters, and you should go check out the other two books as well.
What Did I Play?
As some of you may know, one of my other hobbies is playing video games. So I need to talk about my favorite games of course! Especially since they definitely help me when I’m having a rough time. I mainly play games on my Switch and lately my main (okay, my only) game is Stardew Valley. This is a very relaxing farming simulator, and it’s got a little bit of everything. For example! You want to just farm? No problem. Want to fight some monsters? It’s got that too! So you’re more social, and want to interact with characters in the game. Well heck yeah it has that too! Basically it has everything you could want! Because it has everything, it is pretty addicting to play haha.
Though I said I mainly play on Switch, I do play one game on my computer, and that is Teamfight Tactics. This game falls into the category of “auto-chess” or “auto-battler” games, which are strategy based games. It’s kind of hard to explain in a brief post, but maybe I’ll talk about it at a later time.
What Did I Watch?
So I said I only play like two games right? Though that’s true, the reality is I’m exposed to a lot of other games because of my boyfriend. That means that a lot of what I watch is actually him playing video games hahaha. So what did I watch him play? Well let’s see….Apex Legends, Subnautica, Rachet & Clank, Resident Evil 6, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and a lot more haha.
However, I do watch the occasional TV show! We watched the anime Cowboy Bebop together, which was really good! I recommend it for fans of The Mandalorian. Other than that, I don’t actually think I watched shows this month!
Additionally, my boyfriend listens to a podcast called Blank Check, which is about movies and directors. There was a recent series on two directors who did some Disney movies, so we watched Treasure Planet, The Princess and the Frog, Moana, and a few others.
I hope you enjoyed this little look back! Did you have any good reads (or anything else) this month?
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