Mackenzie’s April Wrap-up

This month I managed to read 12 books!! 4867 pages!! I have no idea how that happened. Probably me trying to procrastinate on work or something haha. Did you know that Goodreads has a stats tracking feature where you can see how many books you read over time? It turns out April of last year was also a huge month for me! Maybe there’s just something about April that makes me read more – not sure what that would be though. Let me know if you have theories haha.

So the books were:

Overall some really great reads! I’ve been very busy so not all of these have reviews on the blog, but you can always check out my Goodreads for some shorter reviews.

I FINALLY finished Pride and Prejudice!! I was reading it for quite a while (3 months, to be exact lol) but I did it! I think I’m just not used to the style of writing so it was hard for me to really get in to. I ended up switching to the audiobook, and that helped.

I also used my Kindle more this month, and borrowed ebooks from my local library! I think 5 of these were borrowed. I’m a big fan, and I think it’s a great way to read things you’re not sure you’ll love so you might not want to buy right away. I borrowed Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating and then ended up getting a physical copy because it was so cute!

Clearly my favorite (by far) was Middlegame!!! I’m gonna try to write a full review soon but for now, I’m still at a loss for words. It was SO incredible. I knew it would be one of my top fav books of the year from like the first chapter. It’s about twins and alchemy and powers and man it’s just so good. I hope you all put it on your TBR and get a copy when it comes out next week!

How was April for you? Did you discover any new favorites?
