Mackenzie’s Family’s Favorite Books!

I think I may have mentioned before that my whole family are readers. My parents are basically the reason that I became a reader! When my brother and I were very young, they started by reading all sorts of books to us. Eventually once I started to learn to read, I stopped wanting my parents to read to me because they were too slow hahaha.

My mom reads a lot of similar things to me (science fiction and fantasy), and more!! She likes pretty much all genres haha. But mostly I would say historical fiction, mystery, action/thrillers, and nonfiction in addition to SFF. Dad on the other hand mostly reads action/thrillers, mystery, and nonfiction. Occasionally he reads some science fiction, but it’s not that often. So I guess my mom is a mix of my dad and me haha. My brother likes mostly science fiction and fantasy, like me, but reads a lot more manga and graphic novels than I do.

I obviously discuss books frequently with my family, so I thought it would fun to share with all of you what my family’s favorite books/series/authors are! My parents both wanted to put like 100 books on this list, but I had to limit them hahaha.




  • Tamora Pierce
  • Jane Yolen
  • Anne McCaffrey
  • Katherine Kurtz
  • Mercedes Lackey
  • Matt Reilly
  • James Rollins
  • Daniel Silva
  • Robert Jordan




Book series:


Graphic novels:

I’ve read a couple a books from each of my family members’ lists, but definitely nowhere near all of them! Actually when making this post I texted my brother that I wanted to read Hakumei and Mikochi because it sounds so cute haha. And I’ve definitely been meaning to finish the Expanse series. Have you read any of these books? Or do you have any of them on your list?
