How did you do for March’s Colour Me Read Challenge? I managed to read my memoir pick, When Breath Becomes Air and pretty much cried in the end. I’m still hoping to write a review for it, but I definitely recommend it!
Picking genres is probably one of the more challenging (ha) aspects of this reading challenge but I always get so excited once I’ve decided on them! I try to choose two genres that are quite different from each other and I’m pretty happy with April’s genres.
This one’s straightforward – if it has humour in it, it works for the challenge! This can be fiction or non-fiction and can cross with other genres. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams comes to mind, as well as Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari.
Nautical Fiction
Love pirates, sea adventures, or books set on the sea? I do too! I first fell in love with this genre when I read Robin Hobb’s The Liveship Traders trilogy. This month I’ll be reading Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch and if I’m lucky, I’ll also squeeze in Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller.
Have any books come to mind yet? I’d love to know!