Continuing our new series of mini reviews on Mondays, here is our second set of minis!
Welcome to our first Monday Minis! We’ve decided to create this little blog meme to create space for mini reviews — the reviews that don’t quite warrant a full post but are just as important. 💛 You’re welcome to join us! All you have to do is post your mini reviews on Mondays and that’s it!
So without further ado, here are the first Minis!
No words will be enough to tell you how much I loved this book, and the funny part is, it wasn’t even on my radar! Curiousity led me to Radio Silence but everything about it made me stay.
This is probably the first time I’ve been able to relate to characters this much and it’s exactly the kind of book I needed to read as a teenager. If you’re a young adult, please don’t pass this up. Even if you’re past that life stage (like me), read it! You can still get so much out of it.