The Happy Place 5 is a monthly series where a few friends and I post 5 of our favorites books for a certain topic or theme. The name is from a Discord group that I am a part of. We created the space to have a positive environment for a handful of close friends. All of us are bookworms, and many of us are bookstagrammers and bloggers. So we decided to start a blog post series together! I’ll link my friends blogs and posts for this month’s topic at the end of this post.
We all know that my two favorite genres are science fiction and fantasy, so what’s even better than that? A MASHUP OF THE TWO!!! I’m sure this surprises no one at all that this is the genre hybrid I chose to talk about today haha. I’m sure some of these you’ve heard me talk about before, but I can’t resist the chance to push them on you again!!