Who are some of your favorite bloggers? One of mine is Shealea at the blog Shut Up Shealea. She recently announced a new challenge, called the #goodreadance2021 challenge. It’s kind of a spring cleaning challenge – in September-November. I know that is actually spring for some of you, though for me it’s fall. Fall cleaning works just as well! You can find her post about it here. I love that it brings bookworms together but that it’s super general, so each person can fit the challenge to their needs and goals.
I’m in the process of moving to a new city, in a new state, and I figure it’s a good time to get my shit together. Or at least pretend to by organizing different aspects of my life haha. I’m the kind of person who likes feeling in control, and I think having things neat and organized definitely helps me to feel settled. So since I can’t quite yet organize things IRL (in real life), I’m tackling my digital world. I’m going to be focusing on cleaning up my Goodreads shelves first! Then maybe if I’m feeling motivated, I’ll move on to cleaning up this blog, my bookstagram, etc. We’ll see!