Every year, I always look forward to Frenzy Presents hosted by HCC Frenzy at the HarperCollins Toronto office. I don’t have a lot of bookish friends in my area so when you have a day dedicated to inviting a bunch of book bloggers, feeding them A+ snacks, and talking to them about upcoming releases? It’s like going to the bookstore with an infinite credit card. (Ok, I actually don’t know what that feels like but I can imagine)
I honestly don’t know where half the year has gone, but it’s that time of the year where Fall Releases are APPROACHING and I’m excited to tell you all about them. This batch in particular feels like there’s something for everyone so without further ado, here’s a list of upcoming books you can cozy up with a blanket as summer draws to a close:
No words will be enough to tell you how much I loved this book, and the funny part is, it wasn’t even on my radar! Curiousity led me to Radio Silence but everything about it made me stay.
This is probably the first time I’ve been able to relate to characters this much and it’s exactly the kind of book I needed to read as a teenager. If you’re a young adult, please don’t pass this up. Even if you’re past that life stage (like me), read it! You can still get so much out of it.