Alright everyone – raise your hand if you know that Tamora Pierce is my favorite author. Everyone got their hands up? Okay good. In my early years of bookstagram, and waayyyy before I started blogging, I didn’t know anyone else who was as big of a fan as I am (well minus my mom who introduced me to Tamora Pierce). But luckily I’ve now found my people in Sakina and Gretal! We want to spread our love of her books and hopefully induct new people into our fanclub 😂. So we’re hosting a readalong of her books! This post will have all the info about it, I really hope you join us!
I mean, just look at all these badass ladies you get to read about if you join us!!! 😍
You know what’s absolutely RIDICULOUS? The fact that it is literally the year 2020 right now. How did that happen?? It’s the twenties now!! Again. Time to bring back the roaring twenties I guess. And that means it’s also time to take a look back at the books I read in 2019! I love sharing my top books, obviously, but I’m including a little bit more about authors I discovered and etc because how can you encapsulate an entire year in just a list of your top ten books?? Answer: you can’t. So here’s just a bunch of stuff about the books I read this year!
Jana (That Artsy Reader Girl) hosts the Top Ten Tuesday tag, and while looking at the topics (and her blog) I found this fun book tag! To be honest I don’t love Christmas songs haha. Mostly just because they’re overplayed – however! I love seeing the ideas/prompts that came out of each of these songs.
She answered her questions with books that she read this year, which I think is a great idea so I’m going to do that as well! As much as I can anyway.
Okay I’m going to do two, one that is non-spoilery and one that is kinda spoilery. I don’t know how to make the text secret so the spoiler one will just be at the end of this section.
So the non-spoiler one! Josh and Hazel from Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating!! I love each of their personalities separately and I love even more how they are with each other.
(I love Toby and Tybalt!!!!!! I knew from the first book it would happen and when it finally did I was so happy).
Gideon the Ninth! By Tamsyn Muir. Takes place at a semi-creepy crumbling down house (think more like mansion) where they can’t leave or contact anyone on the outside!
Way back at the beginning of the year I read The Test, a novella by Sylvain Neuvel. It was an easy 5 stars from me! It’s definitely better to go into it not knowing much, but it’s a really great sci-fi/dystopian novella.
SOooooooo many. The new box set of the first three books in the Expanse series, Senlin Ascends, A Labyrinth of Scions and Sorcery.…I could go on forever haha.
Magic of Blood and Sea by Cassandra Rose Clarke! It’s not really a sad book at all haha it’s just that some of the scenes reminded me a lot of certain emotions I was dealing with at the time.
I’m not too much of a mood reader but I like being able to read series over the holidays! Since I have a lot of free time to binge read whole series haha. So I think this upcoming holiday season I’m going to continue the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire! I binge read the first 6 books in early October (whoa, how fitting for her name – didn’t even realize that at the time) so now I’m ready to continue Toby’s journey.
I didn’t actually read/finish many trilogies this year! But I did read The Queen of Sorrow which was the third in the Queens of Renthia trilogy. This is a super underrated adult fantasy trilogy that I love! And this installment was amazing.
I’m cheating and I’m gonna pick a group of characters rather than just one – I pick the characters from A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe! It would definitely be an entertaining day with all of them.
Circle of Shadows by Evelyn Skye 🙁 I loved the premise of this one! But it just really fell flat for me and it’s one of the rare books that I actually dislike (rather than feel ambivalent towards).
Probably The Shadow Saint! I still haven’t finished the first book (The Gutter Prayer) but the first half of it was AMAZING so I’m already looking forward to the second book! And I already have it preordered too haha.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my choices! And if you haven’t read these, I hope you check them out 🙂
Hello friends! I said I was back to blogging and then didn’t post for weeks – classic. Haha well you know, life just gets busy sometimes! But since it is now December – dang!! – I thought I’d get back to it and share a wrap-up of my reads and etc from the past month.
Do you ever set monthly TBRs? I used to, but I kinda feel like that puts too much pressure on me to read certain things, so I don’t do it anymore. I’ve been working on reading all of my owned books, so really what I’ve been doing is trying to read books I have and not buy too many new ones. This proves difficult since I’m fortunate enough to have easy library access 😂so I cheat on my “owned books” goal with library books.
This month, I read 4 books that I owned and 3 books from the library! Over all of those, I read 2986 pages, and had an average rating of 4.1. I also have now read 101 books this year! I wasn’t expecting to hit that so early, since the past few years I’ve reached around 100ish right at the end of the year. So let’s get to the good stuff – the books themselves!