The Bone Maker

Thank you Harper Voyager for providing me with an eARC for review via NetGalley!

When I heard about this book, I immediately put it on my TBR for two reasons. One being that synopsis – I mean the good guy potentially going bad for love? And five warriors who saved the world have to reunite?? Yes. Dear god yes. The second reason was the author. I read the Queens of Renthia trilogy by Sarah Beth Durst a few years ago and LOVED it, so I was definitely excited to read more from her. That trilogy had such cool magic, and a mom as a main character! I really love seeing older protagonists, so I was excited that this one also feature a group of older heroes.

If you have read any of my blog posts, you probably know what I’m going to mention first about this book. Yes! That’s right! FOUND FAMILY!!!!! Let’s go baby!!!! I think the cool thing about this one was that we don’t actually get to see how they all came together, because that’s in the past. However! We get to see how their relationships with one another have evolved, and just how strong found family ties can be. I like that Durst didn’t make it easy for them to all reconnect, because obviously over 25 years people have changed a LOT.

Another thing I love: the bone magic. Yeah it’s a little creepy, but it’s also so cool!!!! Like enchanting specific bones from different animals to enhance specific traits? So awesome. If that doesn’t make sense, then think like, using bear bones for strength/stability, or cheetah bones for speed, etc. And also being able to read the future in bones? Terrifying but awesome. I kinda do wish we could have seen a bit more of the magic, but maybe that’s just me being magic greedy haha.

To be honest, reviews are kind of hard for me right now so I don’t have much more to say. But just know that this is definitely one of my favorites of the year. The adventures! The magic! The found family! And also that villain!!!! He was very well done. I also just really like the concept of this book, i.e. dealing with what could happen after the heroes save the world. So yes, I hope you go pick it up and see for yourself!
