The Stolen Kingdom
Thank you so much to Tor Teen for sending a finished copy to me!
I was super excited when Tor Teen reached out about this book. I readily admit that I do love a good secret/forbidden magic plot line. The romance also hinted at an enemies to lovers deal, and we all know that I can’t resist that. This was a fun read, and I did enjoy it, but ultimately I didn’t feel very strongly about it.
Magic inherited through a bloodline is not a new concept, but I really liked how the author made it her own by introducing the “stolen” concept. It really illustrated the evil of conquerers, and how the quest for power often corrupts those who seek it.
I really liked all the basic elements to the story:
- Mara reclaiming her powers and her family’s claim to the throne
- Political scheming and lords/royals set against one another
- Interesting magic and magical history
- (Potentially) interesting side characters
But in the end, it just felt that each of those elements were underdeveloped. I’m not sure if maybe this is due to the fact that this is a standalone, and under 400 pages. But I just wanted a bit more depth! I wanted more time for character development of the side characters, and romantic development for our main characters.
This review is short since I have a hard time writing much about books that are fun but don’t quite stick it. I did enjoy my time reading this one though, and will look out for future works from the author. This book is out today if you’d like to check it out! Happy book birthday!
A note: in the summary it says Maralyth is the daughter of a cacao farmer – she is actually the daughter of a winemaker.
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