Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2023

Thank you to Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for hosting/organizing Top Ten Tuesday!

It’s been a minute since I did a Top Ten Tuesday post! But I’m back now with this one, which is all about bookish goals for 2023. I don’t think I actually have ten, so I’m just going to stick with a few here haha. Also, I don’t want to overwhelm myself and try to “force” myself to do too many things. So for that reason as well I’m keeping the goals list short. Okay now let’s get into it!

1. Reduce my physical TBR

YES I KNOW OKAY??? I know I’ve said this before – as in I literally wrote this as a goal for 2020 and 2019 (evidence here and here). I even said in 2020 that this “will probably be a goal for as long as I live LOL.” The accuracy!! It hurts!! But the thing is, I live in a small apartment space, and shelf space is at a premium. I’d like to read as many of my unread books as I can so I can then determine if I truly want to keep them or not. Plus I just have so many books that I am VERY excited about but haven’t gotten to yet. So I want to just focus on FINALLY GETTING TO THEM.

To do this, I’m being a LOT more precise about tracking the books I acquire during the year. Hopefully seeing the numbers will keep motivating me haha.

2. Write short reviews for most books

One of my aims as a blogger and bookstagrammer is to help authors as much as I can. Obviously the primary way I do that by sharing their books and my thoughts with my audience. Another easy way to help though is to write reviews on different social media and retail sites. More reviews helps with visibility and that leads to more sales! And it’s free for me to do! So this year I’d like to write mini reviews for every book I read and post them on Goodreads and Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retail sites.

3. Read more books by Indigenous authors

This might be hard in combination with my first goal, since I don’t already own many books by indigenous authors. But I’ve realized that though I try to read diversely, I’m still lacking in reading books from indigenous folks (from all around the world). So my plan is that when I feel like reading a book from the library, I will focus on indigenous authors. And I welcome any recs!! I prefer sci-fi and fantasy books of course, but I’d also love to read any romances. Some that are already on my list are:

4. Focus on authenticity in reviews, posts, and captions

This sounds like a weird goal at first. I’m never fake in my reviews and other things I write, obviously. What I mean by this goal is that I want to be more vulnerable and talk more about what emotions I feel while reading. Sometimes I think I’m too clinical when talking about books, and I want to be more evocative. There are a lot of folks on bookstagram who make me so emotional with their captions, and I want to be more like them! I’m not sure if this makes sense to anyone else haha. But obviously all goals are personal so it’s okay if none of you quite understand lol.

And those are my goals for the year! Did you make any bookish goals this year? Do we share any?
