Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Memories

Thank you to Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for hosting/organizing Top Ten Tuesday!

I have a lot of bookish memories since I’ve been reading my entire life, but also my brain feels kinda like cheese lately – i.e. full of holes. So we’ll see how much I can actually remember, and how many memories I come up with haha. So there may or may not be ten of them. It was definitely fun to go back and resist a lot of happy memories I have!

The Egg Book

To start, I’ll talk about one of my favorite books as a kid. I’m not sure if this is a real memory or just something I think I remember since my parents told me. But one of my favorite books as a kid was called “The Egg Book.” I honestly have no idea who the author is or anything about the details haha. All I know is what it’s about – it’s a nonfiction book about different types of eggs, and what animals come from them. I know it doesn’t exactly sound riveting but I was a nerdy kid haha. Even from a very young age.

Meeting Anthony Horowitz

I’ve been to quite a few book signings as of now, but the first one I went to was an Anthony Horowitz signing for his book Snakehead. I was in middle school at the time. My mom took me, it was at our local library! When I went up to meet him, I told him I hadn’t read the book yet since my schoolwork was keeping me busy. So he signed my book with “Skip school and read this!” I don’t think I ever finished this series (Alex Rider) but I loved it when I was younger.

Reading Series Out of Order???

Sorry mom, I had to mention this one! It’s memorable!! Hahaha. When I was in elementary school, I was reading a book called The Witch Trade. It’s a trilogy, but my mom accidentally gave me the third book next, instead of the second!! I was…a little confused haha. And mad when I found out LOL. But I’ve forgiven her of course!! It was harder to keep track of books in a series back then, without being able to easily look up things on Google or Goodreads.

Bookstagram Friends IRL!

I’ve been fortunate enough to meet up with quite a few of my bookstagram friends in person. One of the most memorable meeting experiences is when I met up with my friend Kori (@korireads). I met her in New Jersey, only a few days after I had moved there. She was the first person I hung out with in NJ! We were going to a book event together, and I took the train partway and then she picked me up at the train station. The station was very sketchy and it was just a hilarious experience. I knew her well enough to not be worried but afterwards I was like hm…that could have gone in a bad direction haha.


If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you are probably aware that my favorite author is Tamora Pierce. She doesn’t have books come out quite as often as some, so she doesn’t do events very often. However, a few years ago she had a signing in Washington DC, RIGHT when my parents and I were planning to be there for a trip!!! My mom is also a huge fan, so we knew we couldn’t miss it. It was such an amazing experience!!! She was so nice and cool and funny and AH. I’m so happy that this happened.

New York Comic Con

Comic Con isn’t usually what you think of when you think of book events, but omg let me tell you a secret. IT IS ACTUALLY THE BEST. I went to NYCC in 2019 and I met SO MANY of my favorite authors (Garth Nix, Seanan McGuire, Alex White, etc). There were tons of cool panels, signings, booths, giveaways, and more! I’m so sad that I haven’t been able to go back (because yknow, COVID) but I’m dying to go again. I also went with a good friend who is also a SFF book nerd, so it was the best!

I could talk about a lot more memories (meeting other authors, meeting up with bookstagram friends, connecting with Ri who brought me to this blog!) BUT I’m gonna leave it here. These are the ones that are sticking out to me right now, so I feel like they round out to a good set of memories. What are some of your favorite bookish memories? I’d love to hear you share yours!!
