Book Love

Book LoveBook Love by Debbie Tung
Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing on January 1, 2019
Genres: Sequential Art
Pages: 144
Format: ARC, eBook
ISBN: 1449494285
Source: NetGalley

Bookworms rejoice! These charming comics capture exactly what it feels like to be head-over-heels for hardcovers. And paperbacks! And ebooks! And bookstores! And libraries! 

Book Love is a gift book of comics tailor-made for tea-sipping, spine-sniffing, book-hoarding bibliophiles. Debbie Tung’s comics are humorous and instantly recognizable—making readers laugh while precisely conveying the thoughts and habits of book nerds. Book Love is the ideal gift to let a book lover know they’re understood and appreciated.  

Every time I read Debbie’s comics I always feel seen and understood. I feel like if I met her in person we’d be instant friends because she just gets me. Her new book, Book Love is an ode to books and book lovers.

From trips to bookshops and libraries to buying multiple editions and having stacks of books to be read, to taking photos of books for social media, bringing books on a trip, preferring books to people, to the feelings of finishing a book, reading it in one sitting, and having a friend love a recommended book, to annoying book stickers, inaccurate movie adaptations, and movie tie-in editions, Book Love has it all.

Delightful, funny, and highly relatable. I’m tempted to give it to friends and say “here, this is me!” You’ll never find a book more fitting for book lovers. 💕
