Vengeful is THE fantastic follow up for Vicious. I can’t imagine another book that would fit this series perfectly and I know it’s good because I wanted to reread Vicious as soon as I closed Vengeful.
V.E. Schwab’s growth as a writer was evident in this instalment. Her storytelling, character design, takes on character development/regression, and explorations of the human psyche with her cast of morally ambiguous characters was absolutely delicious. I love that Schwab isn’t afraid to write about consequences because there are bound to be PLENTY in the world the book is set in. We get a look on what’s been happening to our trio of Victor, Sidney, and Mitch, while also getting an update on Eli and reading about his childhood. The book is also peppered with bits of POV from secondary to minor characters and while this may not be ideal for some, I enjoyed what it added to the story.
Vengeful also brings in new characters and EOs into the mix and I loved discovering their abilities and what they can do with it. I do wish Schwab probed a bit more when it came to the limits of these powers and I’m hoping it’s something she can delve into with a third book. Vengeful is almost an even 50-50 split when it came to ‘page time’ of new and returning characters and this is where I was left with wanting more. I wanted more of my favourites and more of the new ones, and I know I’m basically asking for more pages, but who wouldn’t?
As with Vicious, Schwab does a great job in tying loose ends and finishing Vengeful on the often hard-to-achieve note of providing closure with enough material to continue. Filled with electric, powerful villains in a world determined to hunt or be hunted, Vengeful is a grittier, thrilling sequel that continues to prove that plenty of humans are monstrous, and plenty of monsters play at being human.
Fab review! I love the sense I get of the book from this – I know how hard it is to avoid spoilers, haha.
I might have to reread Vicious before I try this one! I don’t remember much about it.
I do remember the ending of Vicious and really liked it though, so I hope I like the ending of Vengeful too!
That makes me so happy, Steph! Sequels are definitely hard to review without spoiling haha. I’d recommend rereading Vicious before this one. It made me love the series more!