Excellent Blog Posts on OTHER Blogs!!

One of the best things about blogging is being in the blogging world and reading the wonderful posts by all the other book bloggers out there. So today I decided I’m going to share some of my recent favorite posts from other blogs! I hope you enjoy (and that you go follow all of the blogs I mention!).

List and Resource Posts

1.) I saw this AMAZING resource on Twitter the other day: a database for upcoming 2021 Asian-authored releases!! YES!!!!! I admire the work Shealea put into this database, and am so grateful that she shared it for everyone to access.

2.) If you are ever looking for diverse, and specifically queer, adult SFF, look no further than Crini’s blog. This post is a list of 2021 queer SFF releases and oh my god my wallet is crying. Also this post is GLORIOUSLY formatted and beautiful. Please teach me your ways. If you need more lists of diverse books, she has a ton here!

3.) Have you all heard of The Quiet Pond? If you haven’t, wooohoooo are you in for a TREAT. The site itself is a MAGICAL place, and they have so many different posts about diverse books. Literally, I feel like sometimes it’s my happy place. Recently, they posted a list of diverse and modern retellings of old classics, which is like MY FAVORITE THING. I love that post so much. They also have tons of other lists of books, author interviews, book reviews, and literally everything you could want!


4.) Actually, one of the books on the list in number 3 is These Violent Delights, which my friend Sakina reviewed here! I love Sakina and I love her reviews, they are in depth and perfect. I was already stoked about this book (Romeo and Juliet retelling in 1920’s Shanghai???? yes) but oh man Sakina’s review made me DESPERATE to get it.

5.) A review of Queens of the Wyrd by The Grimdragon! Holly has amazing reviews for (mostly) adult fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Her reviews are detailed and I love that she is honest about the fact that even though a book didn’t work for her, it might work for others!

6.) A review of The Bone Shard Daughter by Grimdark Dad! I met Corey via bookstagram, and I’m so glad I did because we’ve become great friends!!! Whenever I get the email about a new post from him I get so excited. His reviews are filled with enthusiasm and heart, and they bring joy to my day (even if it’s for a book he didn’t enjoy).

Who are some of your favorite bloggers? Let me know, I’d love to follow some more people!!
