I’m Joining the #Pondathon!
What is the Pondathon?
The Pondathon is a co-operative and story-driven readathon hosted and run by CW from The Quiet Pond. The aim of the Pondathon is to read books and collect points to protect the friends over at The Quiet Pond from the encroaching malevolent forces that threaten our friends in the forest.
Have fun participating in the Pondathon readathon by joining one of five teams, each with a unique way to collect points and signing up! You can also follow the story of the Pondathon as it unfolds, and participants can also complete ‘side quests’ during the readathon to collect extra points. The readathon takes place from January 24th 2020 to March 7th 2020. More information about the readathon can be found here.
Information about Joining the Pondathon
- To join the Pondathon, simply sign up anytime between January 18th 2020 to March 5th 2020.
- Choose a team, create your own animal character for the Pondathon and create a character card!
- Create a blog post, bookstagram post, booktube video, Twitter thread, or whatever medium you wish, with ‘#Pondathon’ in the title or your tweet. Share the character you have created and your character card!
- Link back to this post so that others can find this readathon and join in.
Share your updates on your blog/bookstagram/booktube and social media. You are more than welcome to tag @thequietpond or @artfromafriend on Twitter or Instagram in all your updates! We’d love to see all of the beautiful and awesome characters that you create!
Y’all. This readathon is so incredible, I am in awe. CW put so much work into this! The stories she wrote at the beginning of each blog post, and all the characters she drew and made customizable??? Like damn!! And it’s even more incredible because you can choose a team based on your reading style, and it’s so laid back and cooperative so it’s super low stress! It’s just fun :).
What team am I joining?

I will be joining #TeamXiaolong!! I honestly love the sound of all of the teams. It’s so great that you can choose based on what your style of reading is! I definitely contemplated joining Team Gen (which focuses on reading backlist books) but I opted to go for straight reading – aka Team Xiaolong. This will probably work the best for me, since I don’t really plan my reading out and it’s also very random haha.
My character!!

I spent so long yesterday making my character hahaha. It was SO MUCH FUN customizing her!! I just want to make like a thousand more characters! Like just look at how adorable! If you want to join and don’t want to make your own character PLEASE let me make one for you hahaha.
Anyway, her name is Jiandui – she is named after my favorite Chinese food (fried sesame balls with bean paste inside). I feel like this is an appropriate name since she’s super tough on the outside but a lil soft when you get to know her. But still tough!! She is the star guardian – though I should have made it more general and said the galaxy guardian? Universe guardian? She just loves space and wants to protect it! Daggers are her weapon of choice, with a bow and arrow for a range weapon. And of course, she’s got her stack of trusty books with her as well.
My “might read” books (rather than a TBR)
Well, I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this here – I’ve definitely mentioned it on my Instagram – but I don’t really like setting TBRs. They feel too restricting to me! So I’m not really going to set one for the Pondathon. However! There are a handful of books that I’m pretty sure I’ll be reading.
Firstly, I’ll definitely be reading the Song of the Lioness series and the Immortals quartet because it’s TAMORA PIERCE READALONG TIME!!! Our readalong coincides nicely with the Pondathon, which makes me happy. If you missed it, here is my post about the readalong I’m hosting with Gretal and Sakina.
I will most likely also finish Magic Burns, since I’m currently reading it – though that may happen before the Pondathon starts. I have a feeling I’ll want to go right into the sequel (Magic Strikes) when I finish though.
Then who knows?? I’ll be starting a buddy read with Corey of Grimdark Dad this week, reading A Bad Deal for the Whole Galaxy. So that will count for the Pondathon! Then also maybe the Murderbot Diaries? The Queen’s Rising? I’m not sure but I know whatever I read will be great, I have a lot of books that I’m looking forward to!
Will you be joining the #Pondathon? I really hope you do, I think it will be a lot of fun!!
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