Monday Minis – September 25th: Kindle Unlimited Reads (pt. 1)
Once again I have failed at doing regular Monday Minis posts haha. It seems I managed to do one in 2021, and one in 2022. So I guess this is my one for 2023!! Though I’m going to try to be better…BUT NO PROMISES. Seeing as how well it worked out last year when I said “maybe I can get myself to do this again.”
Beginning last month, I got a free trial of Kindle Unlimited, so for the past few weeks I’ve mostly been reading books from there! I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to write some reviews for what I’ve read. Today I’m just going to talk about 5 of my reads. I’ll try to do another Monday Mini next week with a few more of my favs!

Redacting my review to say: this author (Freydís Moon) is NOT recommended (has been caught race-faking)
I’ve been seeing this one a lot on both Twitter and Instagram, so when I saw it was on KU I had to pick it up! It’s a queer horror fantasy romance, which is quite the genre mix. But it totally works!! And the horror elements of this were just at the right level for me. I’m a big ol’ baby, so when I say I can handle it you know it’s not TOO scary. I loved the queerness of this, and the exploration of grief and trauma. I’m definitely looking forward to reading the sequel, which is also on KU! And I will definitely keep an eye out for more from this author.
REP: trans man main character, queer mc and love interest, nonbinary love interest, Latinx love interest

Series: Dark Shores #1
Published by: Tor Teen on: May 7, 2019
Genres: Fantasy
Goodreads || Storygraph

In a world divided by meddlesome gods and treacherous oceans, only the Maarin possess the knowledge to cross the Endless Seas. But they have one mandate: East must never meet West.
A SAILOR WITH A WILL OF IRONTeriana is the second mate of the Quincense and heir to the Maarin Triumvirate. Her people are born of the seas and the keepers of its secrets, but when her closest friend is forced into an unwanted betrothal, Teriana breaks her people’s mandate so her friend might escape—a choice with devastating consequences.
A SOLDIER WITH A SECRETMarcus is the commander of the Thirty-Seventh, the notorious legion that has led the Celendor Empire to conquer the entire East. The legion is his family, but even they don’t know the truth he’s been hiding since childhood. It’s a secret he’ll do anything to protect, no matter how much it costs him – and the world.
A DANGEROUS QUESTWhen an Empire senator discovers the existence of the Dark Shores, he captures Teriana’s crew and threatens to reveal Marcus’s secret unless they sail in pursuit of conquest, forcing the two into an unlikely—and unwilling—alliance. They unite for the sake of their families, but both must decide how far they are willing to go, and how much they are willing to sacrifice.
I really really enjoyed this. The tension between the two main characters was great hehe. And I liked that we got to read from both of their points of view. I hope we get to learn more about the cultures on the “other” side of the world, as in not the culture that’s based on the Roman Empire. It sounds like in the next book we do get to see more of that, so I’m excited. Also very interesting to me that the next book is technically not a sequel, but a companion novel to this one! It takes place at the same time but follows different characters. I haven’t seen that much in other series and I’m intrigued.
REP: Black main character, gay side characters

Series: Stariel #1
Published by: Camberion Press on: November 1, 2018
Genres: Fantasy
Goodreads ||

The Lord of Stariel is dead. Long live the Lord of Stariel. Whoever that is.
Everyone knows who the magical estate will choose for its next ruler. Or do they?
Will it be the lord’s eldest son, who he despised?
His favourite nephew, with the strongest magical land-sense?
His scandalous daughter, who ran away from home years ago to study illusion?
Hetta knows it won’t be her, and she’s glad of it. Returning home for her father’s funeral, all Hetta has to do is survive the family drama and avoid entanglements with irritatingly attractive local men until the Choosing. Then she can leave.
But whoever Stariel chooses will have bigger problems than eccentric relatives to deal with. Winged, beautifully deadly problems. For the first time in centuries, the fae are returning to the Mortal Realm, and only the Lord of Stariel can keep the estate safe.
Attention all cozy fantasy lovers, this is a book to add to your list! It has a great mix of family dynamics, magic, humor, and romance. The tone is kept light throughout the book, and it makes it such a joy to read. Definitely one to read if you need some happiness in your life. The story ends in a satisfying way, but leaves plot points open for the next few books in the series.
REP: gay side character

Published by: Montlake on: July 1, 2023
Genres: Romance
Goodreads ||

Maggie is an unapologetically grumpy forty-eight-year-old hermit. But when her college-aged son makes her a deal—he’ll be more social if she does the same—she can’t refuse. She joins a new online gaming guild led by a friendly healer named Otter. So that nobody gets the wrong idea, she calls herself Bogwitch.
Otter is Aiden, a fifty-year-old optimist using the guild as an emotional outlet from his family drama caring for his aging mother while his brother plays house with Aiden’s ex-fiancée.
Bogwitch and Otter become fast virtual friends, but there’s a catch. Bogwitch thinks Otter is a college student. Otter assumes Bogwitch is an octogenarian.
When they finally meet face-to-face—after a rocky, shocking start—the unlikely pair of sunshine and stormy personalities grow tentatively closer. But Maggie’s previous relationships have left her bitter, and Aiden’s got a complicated past of his own.
Everything’s easier online. Can they make it work in real life?
This is a contemporary romance with nerdy main characters in their 40s/50s. Absolutely love seeing a romance with older characters!!! Most often I see characters in their late 20s. Which is great of course, but everyone deserves a romance, at any age! We also have a wonderfully queer main character, who gets to explore and learn a bit more about their sexuality through the book. I thought the discussions around sexuality were very well done. And the female main character is a MIXED ASIAN GAMER!!! LIKE ME!! I will definitely be checking out more of Cathy Yardley’s books!
REP: mixed Vietnamese main character, queer (bi/pan and maybe demi) main character

Series: Mendell Hawks #1
on: June 30, 2022
Genres: Romance
Goodreads ||

I can't understand why – out of the four hockey players I'm sharing a house with this semester – Finn Howard's the one who catches my eye.
The guy never smiles. He doesn't say much and disapproves plenty.
But, something about him feels familiar. Something about him feels safe.
I'm not falling for Finn, I'm just curious. Could I make him smile? It wouldn't hurt to try. I love a good challenge. And who knows, maybe it'll distract me from pining over a guy I meet online.Finn
I don't get nervous unless I'm on the ice. So why does my chest feel tight whenever Naomi Lewis looks in my direction?
She's witty, kind, and happy. How is someone that happy all the time?
If her sunny disposition isn't enough to distract me, the fact that her voice sounds exactly like the streamer I anonymously moderate for will.
If Naomi is her, she's in for a huge disappointment. I'm not the guy she thinks I am...not anymore, at least. And for that reason alone, I should stay away from her. I should stop trying to get closer. I should stop wanting her because she fell for someone else. Someone I will never be again.
This was such a cute and fun read. Maybe this is me getting into the hockey romance scene?? Hahahaha. But anyway, I had a great time reading this new adult romance. The main character Naomi is a streamer! I love my gamer girls hehe. Also from the title you can tell this is a grumpy/sunshine book, which is a dynamic that I love. After reading this I immediately picked up the sequel, which follows other characters mentioned in this book.
REP: Black MC, possibly queer MC, MC with chronic pain, pansexual side character
Looks like you’ve had success with the KU library so far! I have Role Playing and Dark Shores on my TBR. I’ll have to pick them up soon after reading your reviews! 🙂
Yeah I’ve really enjoyed all the ones I’ve read! Oooo yay I hope you like them too!!
I appreciate having you around to judge horror-y books for me. I know I’m safe if you are, hehe.
Also Role Playing really does sound so cute!! “Bogwitch thinks Otter is a college student. Otter assumes Bogwitch is an octogenarian.” – pleASE hshahsha.
I think I might have done a KU trial already and didn’t really make much use of it. If not though, I’ll have to schedule it during a good reading mood (waiting for it to come back any time now……) and then see what else from your list catches my eye. 😀
I’ve seen ROLE PLAYING pop up on IG a few times, but this is the first I’ve seen someone in the blogosphere mention it. I’m glad you liked it, which jives with other general comments I’ve seen. Looks like you’re making good use of your KU trial!