Our Bookish Goals for 2019!

January is always an exciting month as we think of fresh starts and goals for the year. We also feel like there’s more accountability when we write down our goals, so here’s to us keeping each other motivated, and to you for making sure we stay on track! 😘

Mackenzie’s Goals:

Finish reading The Lord of the Rings!

This was one of my goals for 2018 actually, but I didn’t quite make it. I did read (most of) The Fellowship of the Ring! But 2019 will be for finishing the rest.

Read all the books I own

I’ve been working on this during 2018 as well. I really want to read all the books I own before I start buying a lot more new books, mostly because I have so many great books already that I haven’t gotten to! I think currently I have about 50 books, so I’ve got a bit to go but it’s manageable.

Read more adult SFF, classics, and nonfiction

My previous goal will help with this actually, as a lot of my unread books I own are classics and some adult SFF. This goal is mostly because I find myself getting a little tired of seeing a lot of the same things in young adult fiction, so I think I just need a change of pace! Thankfully I have Shari to give me great recommendations :]

Shari’s Goals:

Read more books I own

Like Mackenzie, reading more of the books I own was also my goal for 2018 and I actually did a pretty decent job of it for the first 6 months! Unfortunately I had less time to read physical books as the year went, so I definitely want to keep pursuing this goal.

Read more non-fiction

I read 11 non-fiction books in 2018 and genuinely enjoyed them, so I want to be intentional about reading more of them this year. I particularly want to start reading political books, memoirs, and self-improvement books. I don’t really want to set a crazy number but I would love to read at least 1 non-fiction book/month!

Slow down with my reading

This probably sounds weird like a weird goal, but I tend to jump to the next book as soon as I finish one and often don’t give myself time to fully appreciate the book I just read. I want to make it a habit to jot down some thoughts I had on the book, so that I can look back on it at the end of the year and still remember what I loved.

Review every book I read

This was also my goal last year and I really want to be better at it in 2019. I’d love to review every book I read, even if it only amounts to a few sentences on Goodreads.

What are your reading goals for 2019?
