
Hey, friends! Ri here. I’m a Filipino-Canadian blogger, reviewer, and creative with a passion for books and art.
In 2015, I created Colour Me Read to help me branch out of my comfort zone and read books from different genres. I had this idea that each colour represented a genre, and I wanted to be well read in more of them. I ran a 2-year reading challenge to highlight genres and encourage readers to try them with me. I mostly read fantasy fiction, but I also enjoy literary fiction and contemporary fiction books for middle grade to adult audiences. As an artist, I’m also specially fond of illustrated books and graphic novels, and can often be found browsing through the children’s literature section of bookshops. When I’m not reading, you can find me drawing, gaming, or exploring the city.
My primary goal with this blog is to help you discover hidden gems in the world of reading. I will show you familiar stories, but I will also take you to lesser known places and tales. Occasionally, we’ll take a pit stop and see rising stars in other media, be it games, art, or movies. I will show you the best, the loved, and the unknown so let’s explore, shall we?
Find me elsewhere: Instagram | Goodreads | Twitter
Review Policy

I’m always happy to hear and consider review requests from publicists, authors, agents, etc. As much as I’d like to get to everything, I don’t read and review books on a full-time basis and have other commitments that demand my time.
Please note the following before making your request:
- I will only be responding to requests I’m interested in.
- I review print, eBooks (.mobi or .epub), galleys, and audiobooks.
- I can’t guarantee that I’ll review every book I accept.
- My reviews will be 100% honest and will reflect my positive or negative opinions of the book.
- All reviews will be written in a respectful manner.
- Reviews will be posted on my blog, Goodreads, and other social media platforms.
I would also appreciate it if you take a look around my blog to see if your book would be a great fit.
Genres I Read
I read books for all ages and preference is given to:
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Literary Fiction
- Historical Fiction
- Magical Realism
- Retellings
- Contemporary
- Non-fiction
If the book you’re requesting a review for doesn’t fall under any of these categories, I’d still love to hear your pitch! I’m open to reviewing books from different genres if the synopsis appeals to me. However, I do not accept requests for romance or erotica titles.
Please send your requests by filling out my contact form or by emailing me at hello(at)colourmeread(dot)com. If I don’t get back to you at a reasonable time, kindly assume I’m respectfully declining your request.
Rating System
★★★★★ – I loved this book! I thought it was amazing and I highly recommend it.
★★★★ – I really liked this book. A few things could have made it better, but I still had a great time reading it.
★★★ – I liked it. I enjoyed this book but it didn’t wow me.
★★ – This book was okay, I didn’t hate it but I didn’t enjoy it either.
★ – There was nothing I liked about this book.
DNF – Did not finish.