Top Ten Tuesday: Books Written Before I Was Born

I haven’t done a Top Ten Tuesday post in quite a while, but I loved this prompt! So I had to do it hehe. TTT is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and you can find a full list of prompts here!

While looking for older books, I realized…I was born kind of a while ago hahah. I really had to scroll back through my Goodreads logs to find 10 books!! Okay like obviously there are thousands (more?) of books that were published, but I wanted to pick ones that I’ve read and really enjoyed. So here we go, here’s my top 10! I’m listing them chronologically based on publication date. Oh, and for the record, I was born in 1994.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886)

This is a book that I had to read for school, but plot twist – I actually really liked it! Also when I read it (I think I was…15?) I didn’t realize it was a novella. I don’t think I knew what novellas were haha. So I guess this sparked my love for sci-fi/fantasy novellas!

The Sirens of Titan (1959)

Kurt Vonnegut writes really strange novels, but I really like them. This one in particular is really special to me. I went on a road trip through Canada one summer with some friends a few years ago. One of the places we stayed was basically in a tent, and there was a thunderstorm and none of us could sleep. I had my this book on my Kindle, so that night I read the first chapter out loud to all my friends. We didn’t finish it all together, but I love that memory.

The Phantom Tollbooth (1961)

I feel like this is the perfect book for kids who love reading. My parents are big readers, so I started reading really early. This book is filled with puns and allusions and clever wordplay. As a kid, I loved that I could figure all these things out myself, it was so fun. I haven’t read it in a LONG time, but I think that it’s one of those where you can get even more from it when you read it as an adult.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1979)

Speaking of fun books – this one!! One of my earliest science fiction reads. It is the perfect light and humorous read. Though to be fair if you don’t like silly novels, this probably isn’t for you. I haven’t finished the series yet, because I like saving the books for when I really need a pick me up.

The Blue Sword (1982)

I mentioned my parents are big readers, and so of course my reading journey started out with my parents giving me books. My mom loves fantasy as well, so this is one of the ones she told me to read. I feel like it’s one of the early originators of the YA fantasy trope of the kickass lady main character. Also!! There’s the best trope of kinda-enemies (but maybe they’re actually grudging allies?) to lovers, which you know I love.

Alanna: The First Adventure (1983)

I feel like I haven’t had an opportunity to yell about Tamora Pierce in a while…SO NOW’S MY CHANCE!!!!!!! This is like…my favorite series. Ever?? Yeah. Probably. This is another one of the original “strong female character” books – Alanna disguises herself as a boy to become a knight!! Since obviously girls aren’t allowed (cue eyeroll). There’s magic, there’s a great friend group, there’s a cute magical cat. I love it so so much. The book (and sequels) are a bit dated, but they still hold the most special place in my heart. This is another one of my mom’s favorites – I even read her editions! I also may have taken her editions with me when I went to college….BUT I eventually collected them all myself and gave them back hahaha.

Howl’s Moving Castle (1986)

I’m sure many of you know the Hayao Miyazaki movie of the same name, but did you know it was based on this book? Actually I assume a lot of you did, since most of the people reading this probably are big bookworms haha. The book is actually quite different to the movie, but it is wonderful! And it is such an equally heartwarming story. I think it might be time for a reread for me!

Arrows of the Queen (1987)

Guess what – yes, it’s another one that my mom recommended for me! Haha. See she was all up on the good stuff before bookstagram and booktube and blogging. The main character becomes a “Herald,” and has a mythical horse-type companion. This is the first book in a trilogy, and the author has written TONS of books set in the same world. I need to read more, I’m excited to read more of the “lore” of this world.

Mossflower (1988)

These books!!! This is one in a series of like 20+ books about TALKING ANIMALS!!!! Yeah, it’s awesome. I don’t remember much from these but what I do remember is that the food descriptions were to die forrrrr. It’s a great quest novel and it’s great for kids to read too!

The Beekeeper’s Apprentice (1994)

What’s this? A ~mystery~ novel?? Who am I? Hahaha. Yes, it’s true, I have occasionally read something OTHER than sci-fi and fantasy. I love this series – it’s about a young woman who befriends Sherlock Holmes, and is of equal intellect to him!! They become partners and go on to solve many cases together. Many, as in there are currently 16 books in the series!! I’m not all caught up, but one day I will get back to them. Also this one just baaarely squeaked in as “before I was born,” as it was published just a couple months before meeeee!

While making this list, I realized that it seems like the 1980’s were a great time for fantasy! I mean look, half of these books were published then!! Maybe I need to read more 80’s fantasy books…hmmm. As if I don’t have enough to read hahaha.

Have you read any of these?
