Looking Back at November 2021
Wait so uhhh it’s December? AKA the end of 2021? HELLO WHAT THE HECK??? Not like I’m still trying to process 2020 over here…

Since time will not SLOW DOWN that means it’s time for a November wrap up! I read some things, watched some things, and posted some things! As usual. Okay enough blabber, let’s get to the details!
What Did I Read?
- Lovely, Dark and Deep by Claudia Cain
- Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule
- Donut Fall in Love by Jackie Lau
- No Words by Meg Cabot
- Don’t Hate the Player by Alexis Nedd
- The Donut Trap by Julie Tieu
- Your Soul is a River by Nikita Gill
- Your Heart is the Sea by Nikita Gill
So we have one fantasy, one sci-fi, four romance/contemporaries, and two poetry books! That’s pretty varied for me, with regards to genre. I mentioned this on my Bookstagram wrap up post (which is here), but I felt like I didn’t read that much this month. That’s why I was kinda surprised to see that I actually read 8 books! But I think I feel this way because most of these I read in a single day, with the exception of the first two. Also, I was most of the way through Light of the Jedi already when November started. So for the majority of the month, I wasn’t really reading much. Ah well! Slumps happen. Maybe December will be better. In terms of quantity. But all of these I really enjoyed reading!!
What Did I Watch?
Have you heard of the Netflix show Arcane? If you have, and have watched, THEN PLEASE FREAK OUT ABOUT IT WITH ME. If you haven’t watched it yet…PLEASE. Please do. It’s SO GOOD. It’s based on characters from the game League of Legends, but you absolutely don’t need to know anything about the game to enjoy the show. I’ve mentioned I play Teamfight Tactics, which is also made by the same developer. It uses some of the same characters, so it was cool for me to see them on screen and learn their backstory. But seriously, the animation is incredible, the voice actors as great, and the story!!! It really gets you. Trust me. I think any fantasy or sci-fi fan would enjoy the show.
What Did I Post?
November was a reading slump month, but it was also a bit of a blogging slump month. I only posted twice right at the beginning of the month, and twice right at the end! I meant to do more posts for #SciFiMonth, but oh well! Honestly though, talking about sci-fi can happen all year round though haha. But anyway, here’s my post roundup!
I started with a throwback Thursday post for #SciFiMonth, where I talked about my favorite sci-fi books published more than two years ago. It was hard to restrict myself and not just keep going and going, but I managed to keep it to 10 I’ve read and loved, and 10 on my TBR.
Next up was a review of Lovely, Dark and Deep! This was a really great fantasy novel that has great fall vibes. There are witches, fae, demons, and so much more.
For my second and final post for this #SciFiMonth (lol), I wrote about my favorite sci-fi novellas! If you’re looking for some great gifts for a sci-fi reader in your life, may I suggest using this post as a gift guide? Hahahaha.
And lastly, I finished the month by doing a Top Ten Tuesday post all about bookish memories. It was really fun reminiscing about all of the great things that have happened in my life due to books. I’ve made so many great friends and memories because of books and I’m so thankful!
How was your November? Did you read any standout books, or watch any good shows or movies?
This year has really flown by and I agree, part of my brain is still stuck in 2020. I think slumps are inevitable, but they are especially inevitable at the end of the year. Hope you have a good December!
Yesss you’re so right, they’re definitely more common for me towards the end of the year. Thanks Alicia! Hope your December is good too 🙂